Riley Amos, now part of Trek Factory Racing, is training in Santa Cruz, California for the upcoming World Cup season. After a stellar year, including multiple championships and a historic Olympic finish, Riley is focused on building base fitness. His training includes targeting Strava KOMS and enjoying singletrack trails alongside a supportive friend group. Emphasizing the enjoyment of the sport, he believes that having fun and setting challenges are key to sustaining motivation and performance longevity among young athletes.
All the groundwork for next year's success is laid in winter, and Riley Amos has moved from Trek Future Racing to the elite-level Trek Factory Racing.
You can go and do efforts by yourself, which is fun and fine, but having goals and challenges like Strava KOMS is a fun way to mix things up during training.
Its sweet to have a great crew of friends that are still super motivated towards the same goal and share the dream.
This mentality is essential for longevity in the sport, and it's clear that the younger generation of athletes have an excellent appreciation for keeping things fun.