"People in Brownsville and other low-income neighborhoods deserve Citi Bike access as much as any other New Yorker, and this expansion brings us closer to ensuring just that," said Mayor Eric Adams. This statement highlights the commitment to equitable access for underserved communities through the upcoming Citi Bike expansion.
"Bike share has become an integral part of our transportation landscape, and this expansion will bring this great service to even more communities," said DOT Commissioner Rodriguez. The importance of bike share systems in urban transportation is underscored, emphasizing the role of the upcoming expansion in facilitating broader access.
The 2025 Citi Bike expansion will service an additional 900,000 New Yorkers, establishing just a 5 minute walk to the nearest Citi Bike station for 64% of residents. This detail points to the significant impact of the expansion on accessibility for residents in NYC.
Once the expansion is complete, Citi Bike will operate 36,000 bikes and 2,400 stations across NYC, growing seven times bigger than when it had started servicing New Yorkers in 2013. This statistic illustrates the tremendous growth and increased infrastructure of the Citi Bike system over time.