The article examines a modern take on the ballet 'Raymonda' by Tamara Rojo, who infuses the 19th-century story with contemporary feminist themes. The original ballet emphasizes a love triangle and female submission in a patriarchal context, whereas Rojo's version allows Raymonda to assert her agency and explore career ambitions. While maintaining the essential structure of the narrative, this reinterpretation aims to modernize gender politics while keeping the choreography engaging and relevant in today’s artistic landscape.
I always thought ballet would be a music box come to life... In reality, one heroine fumbles every life decision and ends up in a swamp.
Raymonda, a 19th-century prima ballerina... Now she's holding all the cards: She can marry Harry, mess around with Ike, and be Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
Rojo's recent update puts a feminist perspective on choreographer Marius Petipa's original work. The love triangle remains, but no one dies now.
Her real conflict was still one of the heart - now with a desire for career, as well.