Unveiling Intimacy: Lukas Stadler's Hain at Fotografiska Berlin - KALTBLUT Magazine

"About two years ago, I began to document cruising spots in Berlin-places where gay men usually meet for brief, anonymous sexual interaction. These locations, often hidden in the forests or public parks like Tiergarten and Hasenheide, lie just meters from pedestrian paths. I aimed to present a romantic vision of scenarios that initially bewildered me. By conversing with different men and experiencing their varied intimacies, I realized this work is a self-portrait, reflecting my personal questions about love and ageing."
"Hain unveils a hidden Berlin, revealing a cityscape often unseen. Cruising emerged when gay individuals couldn't openly express their sexuality, finding refuge in parks like Berlin's Tiergarten for private encounters. Although dating apps have transformed the scene, these physical spaces remain integral to the city's landscape. Städtler's photography captures queer identity in these special settings. The title 'Hain' evokes a tranquil grove or thicket, symbolizing a sacred place."
Read at KALTBLUT Magazine