The One Aldi Frozen Pizza You Should Never Buy If There's Another Option - Tasting Table

Aldi's reputation for viral grocery items includes a wide array of products, but not all are created equal. Among its frozen pizza offerings, Mama Cozzi's French Bread Pepperoni Pizza stands out as the least favorable according to taste testers. The evaluation criteria included crust quality, sauce flavor, and topping satisfaction; this pizza failed on all fronts. With weak flavor, an unbalanced topping-to-crust ratio, and a general lack of appeal, this product is considered a poor choice, especially when better options exist at Aldi.
Flavor is a big misstep. Some Reddit users accuse the brand of being incapable of making a good pie, and while we disagree with such a sweeping statement, we do think it applies to this pie in particular. The mozzarella is mild, the sauce is weak, and the crust just tastes like plain bread.
Despite having more cheese and sauce than some other brands, Reddit users seem to agree that the taste is seriously lacking.
The topping-to-crust ratio is off, leaving too much dough with not enough flavor.
Our methodology was simple and sweet, focusing on the core components of a great pie. We looked at crust...the more watery and flavorless a sauce was, the lower its score dropped.
Read at Tasting Table