Society of Control: Sigmar Polke at Schinkel Pavillon | Berlin Art Link

In the retrospective 'Der heimische Waldboden. Höhere Wesen befahlen: Polke zeigen!', Sigmar Polke’s art captures the essence of culture he often opposed, showcasing a unique value beyond mere conceptual sophistication.
Curator Bice Curiger emphasizes Polke’s innovative use of accessible materials and organic integration of form and accident, showcasing his prolific ability to hold culture in a dynamic exchange.
Polke’s use of found objects, like safety pins in 'Untitled (Sicherheitsverwahrung)', reflect his engagement with the punk movement, elevating the artwork's cultural significance beyond its immediate themes.
Rather than focusing solely on feminism, Polke plays with image neutrality, creating a cartoon-like effigy that engages viewers with its layered gestures and cultural commentary.
Read at Berlin Art Link