Germany Before the Nazis: A Democracy That Didn't Need to Fail

"Weimar Germany, those 14 fateful years between the Kaiserreich's defeat in World War I and Hitler's ascent to power, has something for everyone, a bountiful supply of deja vu and I-told-you-so."
"As with the poster that popped up on billboards around interwar Berlin commanding Pause, Berlin! Reflect. Your dance partner is death, there's an element of maximal stakes in the macabre cris de coeur."
"Harald Jahner sets out to tell a more coolheaded story of the country's fleeting experiment with democracy, admirably restrained about drawing neat historical lessons."
"The trouble with writing about that it stands before us as the most self-aware epoch of history. There are few things left to be said about the Germans in this period that they were not already thinking themselves."
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