Council approves property tax relief for child care centers as federal funding dries up - Austin Monitor

"We know that our economy can't function at full productivity without affordable and accessible child care centers. Child care workers make all of the other work in Austin possible," said Council Member Alison Alter, who sponsored the resolution. "As federal funds expire, including our own ARPA funds, we are on the precipice of what experts call a 'child care cliff.' ... I'm hoping this action will provide some financial stability and support."
The proposition, which saw 76 percent approval among Travis County voters, amends the state constitution to allow for between 50 percent and 100 percent property tax exemptions for eligible child care centers across Texas. In a unanimous vote last Thursday, Council moved to provide the maximum abatement, with plans to explore expanding the benefits to home-based providers not included in the proposition language.
"These child care programs operate on razor-thin margins of a less than 1 percent profit margin, so every dollar counts," said Cathy McHorse, vice president of Austin's Success by 6 Coalition.
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