Unsurprisingly 57% of Reacts voters voted for a position player. The Braves have went heavy in recent years and currently don't have a lot of high end prospects on the position player side. That hasn't mattered that much since the team has most of its position player core locked up long term, but the case can definitely be made that they need to target a position player.
I think Hank Aaron should have received more support. Everyone focuses on the homers but his 2,297 RBIs are a record that may never be matched. Aaron was much more than just a home run hitter. Take away his 755 career homers and he still would have amassed 3,000 career hits.
Our second national question asked what is the most iconic moment in MLB history. Mays' over the shoulder catch garnered 36% of the vote and it is hard to argue with that result. Aaron passing Babe Ruth finished second at 28%. Fourteen year old me wonders why Kirk Gibson's World Series homer against the A's isn't on the list.