Can Cutiefly be shiny in Pokemon Go?

Cutiefly, the bee fly Pokémon from Alola, can be captured in the wild in Pokémon Go, and it can also appear as a shiny. While neither Cutiefly nor its evolution, Ribombee, have significant competitive use, their adorable appearance is endearing to fans. The shiny Pokémon encounter rate is approximately one in 500 on regular days, with no permanent increases for Cutiefly. Shiny rates typically see boosts during special events or in particular raids, with Niantic controlling these parameters. For those interested in shiny hunting, resources like LeekDuck can provide visual guides.
Cutiefly, the bee fly Pokémon from Alola, can be found in the wild in Pokémon Go. Although neither Cutiefly nor Ribombee have meta utility, their charm compensates for it.
The shiny rate for Pokémon on a regular day is approximately one in 500, but Cutiefly is not a confirmed Pokémon with an increased shiny rate.
Shiny Pokémon catch rates are determined by Niantic, typically boosted only during special events like Community Days or Safari Zones.
LeekDuck maintains a helpful visual guide of currently available shiny Pokémon, serving as a resource for players wishing to see their alternatives.
Read at Polygon