Dear Life Kit: Is it a faux pas to create a 'happy graduation' registry for myself?

In general, I think registries, even at weddings, have an inherent awkwardness to them. They're saying, hey, get me things. But I am so into this idea for you. I think it's fabulous. Part of love is accepting help and generosity as well as giving those things out.
If you reframe this registry for yourself as, I'm celebrating this huge milestone in my life, and I'd like to invite people to celebrate this with me. And if somebody wants to, here are things I would really love, you're inviting them in.
You can have a sense of humor about it and say, even in the invite, This MBA is my baby, or something cute. You can shout out that it is a little unusual.
Please don't feel like you have to get me anything. I think anyone who has a problem with it probably has very traditional ideas about things, and that's OK. They can just not participate.
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