Dance Review: 'FLOOR' is a plastilina wonderland of depth and dialogue * Oregon ArtsWatch

FLOOR, choreographed by Emma Lutz-Higgins, debuted at Linda Austin's Performance Works Northwest. This evening-length work features Portland dancers and began during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lutz-Higgins’ exploration combines movement and dialogue, as seen in the humorous exchange about awaiting good news. Visual influences from artist Félix González-Torres emerged as the performance progressed, enhancing the aesthetics. The performance notably blends humor with deep reflections on connectivity and personal experiences, engaging the audience through dynamic interactions and thoughtful choreography.
"I'm still waiting," announced Niekrasz. The audience laughed. He and Jones then exchanged a melodically mismatched dialogue about waiting for a positive email that would bring good news..."
Lutz-Higgins began process exploration for FLOOR in her bedroom during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown... visual references to González-Torres' work... became pleasantly apparent as the work progressed.
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