Comment | Works of art are living things-so should we let them die?

The article explores the idea that works of art are akin to living beings, evolving over time and engaging viewers deeply. The Sainsbury Centre in Norwich has recognized this notion and adopted a bold policy to treat art as 'living' rather than merely property to be preserved. This perspective invites a deeper connection, acknowledging the artist's transfer of lifeforce into their work. Jago Cooper emphasizes that artists create living entities that should be approached and understood as such, challenging traditional views of art within museums.
"We believe that great artists, makers and creators transfer their lifeforce and physically materialise it in their art. In this way they create new living entities, which need to be met and understood as such."
"Recognising works of art as living things is a consciousness-changing act, both liberating for art and for our own imaginative response."
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