xAI Introduces Large Language Model Grok

xAI was launched earlier this year and trained their first model, the 33B parameter Grok-0. The company has not disclosed the parameter or training details of its latest version, Grok-1, but says that the model outperforms GPT-3.5 and Llama 2 on several benchmarks.
By creating and improving Grok, we aim to gather feedback and ensure we are building AI tools that maximally benefit all of humanity. We believe that it is important to design AI tools that are useful to people of all backgrounds and political views. We also want to empower our users with our AI tools, subject to the law. Our goal with Grok is to explore and demonstrate this approach in public.
While the word "grok" was coined by Robert Heinlein's in his sci-fi novel Stranger in a Strange Land, xAI says that their model is inspired by the the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the eponymous fictional guidebook of Douglas Adams's sci-fi series. According to xAI, it is "intended to answer almost anything...."
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