Devices like this are like walking down routes you usually drive. You discover new things along the way that you had never seen before. Even though it gets you to the same place, orgasm, even though it works off of each person's rhythms and mood, the beauty of the device is that you notice new and wonderful things.
In general, I liked it. It touches erogenous zones that are complicated to stimulate using traditional methods. Men can try out different speeds and modes and save their favorites to their telephone. Afterwards, you feel spent. It bears a certain resemblance to when you finish a very pleasurable sexual experience.
Call it a Formula 1 car in the race to orgasm. You're still jacking off, but this is no normal jack-off. Gadgets like the Lelo F1S V3 incorporate AI and augmented reality into their stroke.
Before we analyze these new tools in detail, where does our impulse to reach down to our private parts come from? Rene Descartes was among the first contemporary philosophers to see nature as nothing more than matter subject to the will of humans.