The legal framework for AI is being built in real time, and a ruling in the Sarah Silverman case should give publishers pause

But it didn't get as much attention last week when a federal judge dismissed most of it - and set a high bar to prove what remained.
To be clear: The legal framework for generative AI - large language models, or LLMs - is still very much TBD. But things aren't looking great for the news companies dreaming of billions in new revenue from AI companies that have trained LLMs (in very small part) on their products.
But Silverman's copyrighted content in question is a book - specifically, her 2010 memoir The Bedwetter. This is not, importantly, a piece of content made freely available by its publisher to web users. To access The Bedwetter legally in digital form, HarperCollins asks you to pay $13.99.
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