The Impact of AI Tools on Architecture in 2024 (and Beyond)

In 2022, a wider audience gained access to unexpectedly powerful AI tools, including Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E 2 for text-to-image generation, as well as the human-like chatbot OpenGPT. One year later, pundits, organizations, and governments have stated these technologies will pose profound risks to society and humanity-from automation-spurred job loss to disrupting democratic processes to the automatization of weapons.
In July, Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI founded the Frontier Model Forum to regulate AI development. Meanwhile, in November, 28 governments signed the Bletchley Declaration, 'the first international declaration to deal with the fast-emerging technology' acknowledging AI potential 'catastrophic risk to humanity.'
With this interview, we wanted to encourage architects and designers to embrace these technologies for our good in the early stages of development, instead of later suffering the effects of disruption of employment models implemented by someone else.
When Alejandro Aravena's ELEMENTAL released the blueprints of four social housing projects for open-source use in 2016, the idea was that architects and the general public worldwide could learn from them. However, beyond architects, only a few possess the technical expertise to read the plans, while even fewer can afford to build them. Similarly, ChatGPT and, by extension, any AI technology, would not replace humans but will overly empower those who know how to prompt-and those who own it, naturally.
Read at ArchDaily