In a speech at the Saturn Awards, Nicolas Cage expressed strong opposition to the use of artificial intelligence in the film industry, highlighting the negative implications for artistic integrity. He argued that AI cannot replicate the human condition or emotion required in art, warning that manipulation by AI would ultimately replace the authenticity of artistic expression with financial motivations. Cage also reflected on his feelings regarding his digital likeness being used in media, fearing it could overshadow the essential truth of the artist, while paying tribute to director David Lynch during his acceptance speech.
Robots cannot reflect the human condition for us. That is a dead end if an actor lets one AI robot manipulate his or her performance even a little bit, an inch will eventually become a mile and all integrity, purity and truth of art will be replaced by financial interests only.
The job of all art in my view, film performance included, is to hold a mirror to the external and internal stories of the human condition through the very human thoughtful and emotional process of recreation.