Entering the controversial world of AI photography competitions, writer and photographer Miles Astray explores the ethical implications of AI art, highlighting the success of his traditional art piece amidst AI creations.
"I wanted to prove that nature still outdoes the machine ... and that there is still merit in real work from real creatives," Miles Astray emphasizes the value of human creativity and nature's imagination over AI's capabilities in art.
"I feel bad about leading the jury astray, but I think that they are professionals who might find that this jab at AI and its ethical implications outweighs the ethical implications of deceiving the viewer," Miles contemplates the irony in challenging AI's ethical implications through his traditional art deception.
"Currently I see its limitations and dangers even more clearly," in the era of AI anxiety, Miles acknowledges the potential and risks of AI technology, emphasizing the enduring human appreciation for nature's beauty amidst AI innovation.