Opinion | Will A.I. Break the Internet? Or Save It?

When you increase the supply of stuff onto those platforms to infinity, that system breaks down completely, Patel told me. Recommendation algorithms break down completely. Our ability to discern what is real and what is false breaks down completely.
I think the whole business model of the internet, which is just ‘keep increasing the amount of stuff,' that also breaks down completely. This isn’t a blip as the big platforms figure out how to manage this.
A surge of spammy news sites filled with A.I.-generated articles, TikTok videos of A.I.-generated voices reading text pulled from Reddit, and self-published A.I.-authored books are polluting online platforms.
Nilay Patel warns that an internet flooded with A.I. content could bring about a breakdown of recommendation algorithms, truth discernment, and overall business models.
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