I'm a designer who's worried about AI, but not for the reasons you think.

One of the biggest, most noticeable impacts that I've witnessed with the rise of AI is the lack of belief people have in their own creative capabilities. Designers, once confident in their skills and unique perspectives, now find themselves grappling with insecurities, constantly wondering if they are still relevant in an age where machines can generate art. This shift not only affects their professional identity but also their self-worth, leading to a collective anxiety surrounding their future in the industry.
The dialogue surrounding GenAI and its impact on design work ignited a mass hysteria across platforms like LinkedIn, with many fearing that AI would completely replace human designers. What was disheartening was that amidst this cacophony, serious discussions about the true value of design work seemed to diminish, creating an atmosphere where designers themselves doubted their contributions and creativity.
Despite my lack of coding skills, I am a firm believer in the potential of technology to enhance our creative processes. While I align myself with progressive tech like blockchain and foster innovative partnerships, I can't help but notice that the advancements in AI are being met with skepticism and fear. This dichotomy illustrates a crucial point: while technology can empower us, it also holds the potential to undermine the very essence of what it means to be a designer.
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