Grafana Labs Acquires to Bring AI to Observability -

At its ObservabilityCON event, Grafana Labs today announced it has acquired to automate configurations and customization of dashboards. In addition, the company is previewing an ability to apply artificial intelligence (AI) to incident management to make it simpler to surface the root cause of an issue. Sift is a diagnostic assistant in Grafana Cloud that automatically analyzes metrics, logs and tracing data, while Grafana Incident is a generative AI tool that summarizes incident timelines with a single click, creates metadata for dashboards and simplifies the writing of PromQL queries. Grafana Labs is also making generally available an Application Observability module for Grafana Cloud to provide a more holistic view of IT environments. Finally, Grafana Beyla, an open source auto-instrumentation project that makes use of extended Berkeley Packet Filtering (eBPF), is now also generally available.
Richi Hartmann, director of community for Grafana Labs, said collectively, these additional capabilities will make it simpler to apply observability across increasingly complex IT environments. For example, the AI technologies developed by will make it possible for DevOps teams to start sending data to Grafana Labs that will enable the cloud service to identify the applications and infrastructure being used. AI models will then be able to automatically generate a custom dashboard for that environment that DevOps teams can extend as they see fit, said Hartmann.
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