Farmed, Wild, Lab Grown, or Plant-Based: Which Salmon is Best? - Modern Farmer

"The sight of wild salmon coursing upstream through a river during spawning season is one often used to convey the essence of wilderness through media... However, it's a sight that few Americans who consume salmon will ever see—and maybe that's where the issue starts."
"Americans crave salmon; the salmon industry is valued at over $14 billion... With consumption rates of salmon rising, the industry is growing volatile as it becomes clear that both wild-caught and farmed salmon cause environmental and economic issues."
"NOAA Fisheries determined in 2018 that five Pacific salmon stocks are now 'overfished' and one stock is 'subject to overfishing,' including Chinook and coho salmon."
"Even in well-managed operations... the industry is incredibly destructive to wild marine life... wild-caught salmon managed in a responsible way is almost always a lesser environmental impact than farmed salmon."
Read at Modern Farmer