"Our hay yields have gone way up as a result [of the urine]. We have really hungry land and sandy soil. It's brought it up to a new level and provided some resiliency in the soil health."
"I personally, if it were my garden, I would not think twice about it. I really don't think there's actually any food safety concerns. It's a matter of perception."
"Kayan is one of nine Vermont farmers who've participated in Rich Earth's field studies, funded by USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE). In addition to hay, Rich Earth has conducted trials on sweet corn, hemp, figs, nursery trees, and cut flowers."
"The multi-year trials found that crops fertilized with human urine performed better than untreated control plots. Kayan and other farm partners also observed higher yields and/or more robust growth and color in the urine-treated plots relative to those treated with conventional synthetic fertilizer."
#sustainable-agriculture #human-waste-recycling #organic-farming #soil-health #crop-yield-improvement