The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is conducting a significant review of cookie usage across the UK's most-visited websites to improve consumer choice and confidence in data privacy. Following an investigation of the top 200 sites, the ICO found 67% of them were non-compliant with data protection laws. The ICO aims to give users meaningful choices in how their data is tracked online while encouraging compliance through guidance and targeted enforcement. Their future strategy will extend investigations to a broader range of digital platforms, including apps and connected TVs, enhancing protections for consumers.
Uncontrolled tracking intrudes on the most private parts of our lives and can lead to harm...Our ambition is to ensure everybody has meaningful choice over how they are tracked online.
Last year, we saw significant improvements in compliance among the top 200 websites...Now, we are expanding our focus to the top 1,000 websites - and beyond that to apps and connected TVs.
By combining advice, guidance and targeted enforcement, we aim to create an environment where businesses can succeed and people can have trust and control over their online experiences.
The ICO set out to investigate cookie usage across the UK's most-frequented websites to prioritize consumer choice and confidence in data practices.