
3 months ago

Static, Dynamic, and the Typing Spectrum: Programming Uncovered

Statically typed languages like Java and C# require developers to define the type of variables upfront, leading to early detection of type errors.
Dynamically typed languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript infer types at runtime, providing more coding flexibility. [ more ]
I love these scala summaries
2 months ago

This week in #Scala (Feb 12, 2024)

Welcome to the new edition of #ThisWeekInScala!
"This week in #Scala (Feb 12, 2024)" is published by Petr Zapletal.
2 months ago

This week in #Scala (Feb 12, 2024)

Welcome to the new edition of #ThisWeekInScala!
"This week in #Scala (Feb 12, 2024)" is published by Petr Zapletal.
Monad with Scala 3
3 months ago

Introduction to Monads With Scala 3

So, you are trying to grasp the concept of monads.If you are learning functional programming, understanding monads is a kind of rite of passage.Looking for monads on Google can be a bit daunting.
Partial function is very useful
3 months ago

Functional Pills # 15- Partial Functions

Partial functions are functions that are not defined for all inputs.
Partial functions can be used to handle specific cases and avoid errors. [ more ]
3 months ago

Structured Concurrency on the JVM

Structured concurrency is a programming paradigm aimed at providing a more organised and predictable way to manage concurrent execution in software programs.
Nice modern and updated information on JVM's concurrency
3 months ago

Structured Concurrency on the JVM

Structured concurrency is a programming paradigm aimed at providing a more organised and predictable way to manage concurrent execution in software programs.
4 months ago

The compilation cost of implicits | Typo

We'll use the fact that Typo can generate it in its entirety to build a compile speed benchmark, where we contrast different combinations of scala versions and database libraries.
I'll stress that the code it generates is basically the same code I've written again and again over the years, which should make the benchmark interesting since this is so close to real-world application code.
Great production story of Scala 3 in production
4 months ago

Lichess on scala3 - help needed

Photo by Manuel on Unsplash
Update: Friday 09/12
Excellent news: all is good and lichess is performing great with scala3.The fix we applied on tuesday worked.
Always appreciate the stuff coming out of softwaremill
4 months ago

Designing a (yet another) retry API

Ox is a toolkit for safe direct-style concurrency and resiliency for Scala on the JVM.We have recently released a new version that addresses the resiliency aspect - by adding a retry mechanism.
In this article, I'd like to walk you through the design process of Ox retries - the goals, the choices and the possible future work.
Adding retries - one of the resiliency patterns - allows you to avoid giving up too early, and to make some more attempts before your code ultimately fails.
5 months ago

Recursion and Tail Recursion in Scala : An easy step by step guide.

Recursion is a technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem.
In this article we will see how to implement a recursive and delve into the challenge of recursive function encountering larger input value.Finally we will get to know the better version of recursion known as Tail Recursion and how tail recursion overcomes the challenge of a simple recursive function.
If a function's definition involves calling the function itself then the function is called recursive function.
Recursion is a powerful programming technique that allows functions to call themselves and thus express problems in a clear , concise and intuitive way.However, as we've seen, traditional recursive implementations may encounter challenges with larger inputs due to stack overflow issues.
Very useful to allow you to keep data in Kafka longer at a reasonable cost
7 months ago

Tiered Storage in Kafka

Tiered storage in Apache Kafka refers to the concept of storing data in different tiers or layers based on their importance or access patterns.
Anybody worried moving to ZIO now that the main developer has moved on?
7 months ago

Migrating a REST-API implementation from Akka to ZIO

Solution involves implementing a REST service based on the GitHub REST API v3
Parameters for the service include 'group-level' and 'min-contribs' [ more ]
7 months ago

Compare Task Processing Approaches in Scala

There is a common problem in computer science and I've met it again recently: how to generate and process tasks efficiently?
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