
Cornyn: Top rated by the NRA ????

US politics

With Cornyn in the Room, Senate Gun Talks Focus on Narrow Changes
WASHINGTON - Facing a national crisis with a devastating human toll and entrenched partisan divisions, a small group of Senate Republicans and Democrats pushed forward on high-stakes bipartisan talks that seemed unusually promising - right until the moment they collapsed.
"It has to be incremental," Mr. Cornyn said in an interview, quickly dismissing Mr. Biden's push for steps that could not pass the Senate, such as renewing a federal ban on assault weapons, limiting high-capacity magazines or raising the age to purchase a semiautomatic rifle to 21 from 18.
With a top rating from the National Rifle Association, he is viewed with suspicion by liberal activists who have long pressed for gun control legislation and see a cautionary tale in the senator's involvement in past immigration negotiations.
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