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1 month ago

Council Post: How To Begin Revamping A Professional's Already-Strong Personal Brand

Personal rebranding requires alignment with values and mission, reflection on new direction, and self-assessment for vision and skills. [ more ]
A Dime Saved
1 month ago
Remote teams

Avoid These Pitfalls When Searching for Work From Home Part-Time Jobs - A Dime Saved

Working from home part-time offers flexibility but requires proper planning and self-assessment to avoid burnout and ensure success. [ more ]
3 months ago

Harriette Cole: I'm floundering in the face of my younger siblings' success

Focus on your own path and stop comparing yourself to others.
Assess your current situation and look for ways to increase your earning power. [ more ]
3 months ago

How Are You, Really?

Regular emotional health check-ins are crucial for overall well-being.
Self-assessment questions can help individuals evaluate different aspects of their mental health. [ more ]
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