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1 week ago
Data science

HMRC boosts data scientist numbers | Computer Weekly

HMRC increased data science expertise spending significantly, with a 55% rise in payroll and 39% increase in staff headcount over three years. [ more ]
1 month ago

Tanya Sweeney: A virtual trip back to dingy bedsits and old haunts of my London days reminds me why I left when I did

Tax-related websites often present challenging experiences for users, requiring specific personal information for access. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Katie Price declared bankrupt for second time over unpaid 750,000 tax bill

Katie Price declared bankrupt for the second time over 750,000 tax bill
She did not attend the hearing and owes substantial debt to HMRC. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Martin Lewis issues warning to women over 66 after claim sees 17,000 payout

Check if owed money from HMRC if over 66, 210,000 people may be affected due to incorrect records.
Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) helped with state pension, some women are missing credits and may be owed back payments. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Thousands to receive new cost of living payment see if you qualify

Around 700,000 households will receive a cost of living payment of £299 from HM Revenue and Customs.
This is the third and final payment in a series of payments for eligible households receiving tax credits and other means-tested benefits. [ more ]
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