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3 weeks ago

Daily Show Brutally Roasts Kamala Harris Word Salads By Introducing Her Holistic' Advisor: A Process I Call Speaking Without Thinking'

The Daily Show mockingly presents Vice President Kamala Harris's public speaking style as 'speaking without thinking.' [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web design

Making more impactful design presentations

Improving public speaking skills is essential for advancing in UX, UI, or Product Design careers. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
EU data protection

I spoke to MPs about their mental health. What I found should shock us all | Jennifer Nadel

It takes courage for politicians to speak publicly about their mental health due to unfair expectations and potential repercussions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

5 ChatGPT Prompts To Improve Your Public Speaking (Wow Your Audience)

Prepare well: Starting confidently, delivering passionately, and closing strongly are crucial for effective public speaking. Utilize ChatGPT and public speaking experts' strategies to enhance your performance. [ more ]
4 months ago

6 Tips To Go Viral Online As A Public Speaker

Public speaking is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and generating leads.
Writing a memorable and shareable speech is key to going viral and reaching a wider audience. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

5 ChatGPT Prompts To Improve Your Public Speaking (Wow Your Audience)

Prepare well: Starting confidently, delivering passionately, and closing strongly are crucial for effective public speaking. Utilize ChatGPT and public speaking experts' strategies to enhance your performance. [ more ]
4 months ago

6 Tips To Go Viral Online As A Public Speaker

Public speaking is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and generating leads.
Writing a memorable and shareable speech is key to going viral and reaching a wider audience. [ more ]
1 month ago

Young Reporters-Head Girl-Mariya Jenny-Merstham Park School

Being a head girl requires courage, perseverance, and the ability to speak up without fear of judgment. [ more ]
Oregon ArtsWatch | Oregon Arts & Culture News
1 month ago

LitWatch May: Hillsboro's Katie Lineburg at Poetry Out Loud, Black rodeo culture in photos, and an evening with David Sedaris

Oregon's Katie Lineburg wins Poetry Out Loud Oregon championship and competes nationally in Washington, D.C. [ more ]
2 months ago

Dagenham teen beats 30,000 to be named champion young public speaker

Wazid Chwdury won regional final with speech on Voices of Migration
Previous winners became Hollywood stars, entrepreneurs, and writers [ more ]
Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly
2 months ago
Silicon Valley real estate

David Nihill in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly

David Nihill combines reading recommendations with comedy on his latest tour.
Nihill's book Do You Talk Funny? focuses on improving public speaking with comedy habits. [ more ]
3 months ago

How to Be an Better Communicator in 7 Steps | Entrepreneur

Confront fears and embrace public speaking for business success
Feedback is crucial for personal and professional growth [ more ]
The Drum
3 months ago

Ad of the Day: Confidence-building Peachaus spot puts audience in their undies

Peachaus campaign aims to boost women's confidence in public speaking through a unique approach.
The 'Naked Talks' campaign encourages women to embrace their fears and be comfortable in their own skin. [ more ]
4 months ago

A moment that changed me: I held up a protest sign and it turned my life upside down

Overcoming fear and stepping outside of one's comfort zone is possible and can lead to unexpected opportunities for growth and activism.
Public speaking and being in the center of attention are common fears for many people. [ more ]
1 year ago

If You Want to Give a Great Speech, Avoid These 5 Mistakes | Entrepreneur

Creating an emotional impression is important in personal relationships and public speaking.
Focusing on connecting with the audience, rather than just delivering content, can lead to real change. [ more ]
6 months ago

Harriette Cole: I'm on the brink of unloading on my husband about the car crash

Communicate your feelings openly and honestly with your husband about the financial implications of the car accident.
Ask your husband about his plans to pay for the damages and work together to find a solution.
Practice and prepare for your public speaking engagement to alleviate anxiety and boost confidence. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
1 year ago

Proposal to change Council meeting rules draws opposition - Austin Monitor

Thursday, June 1, 2023 by Jo Clifton
City Clerk Myrna Rios has proposed changes, some of them controversial, to rules for the conduct at City Council meetings.Council is scheduled to take up the new rules at today's meeting.During Tuesday's work session, Rios defended her proposals, including a ban on allowing a member of the public to donate time to another member to speak longer.
1 year ago
UK news

Kate never expected to become royal but fell in love with William'

The Princess of Wales has admitted becoming a member of the royal family was something she never expected but then she met and fell in love with William.Kate made the admission when she joined a Dame Kelly Holmes Trust event in Bath and took on the double Olympic champion at a game of bean-bag noughts and crosses but came out second best.
1 year ago
UK news

Eva Green found High Court battle painful and damaging' experience

Eva Green's High Court battle with a production company was a painful and damaging experience, the Hollywood actress has said.The Casino Royale star, who won her claim to a million-dollar (810,000) fee for abandoned film A Patriot, said she had been used as a scapegoat and faced false allegations during her legal action against White Lantern Film.
1 year ago

Gen Z isn't quiet quitting'they're grappling with a lack of interpersonal connection

People have claimed that Gen Z workers are quiet quitting.That is, doing the bare minimum to maintain their position at work.This behavior isn't explained by some stark generational divide that's left young people devoid of ambition while their seasoned counterparts maintain a no-nonsense work ethic that's driven them forward for years.
1 year ago

Desperate to get fit but hate doing it in public? Here are seven ways to beat gymtimidation

Some things in life swimming, public speaking, taking a radiator off the wall are terrifying the first time you do them, but so fundamental to a better quality of existence that they're well worth the effort.And so it is with the gym: though those first shaky reps come easier for some people than others, everyone is a beginner at some point.
BK Reader
1 year ago

BK NAACP President and Politics Podcaster Nominated For Image Award

The NAACP will host its 54th Image Awards in Pasadena, California.Each year, the organization recognizes the contributions of people of color to the arts, politics, their communities, education, and more.The annual event is a convening of the brightest and most talented movers and shakers in various industries.
Austin Monitor
1 year ago

Proposal to change Council meeting rules draws opposition - Austin Monitor

Thursday, June 1, 2023 by Jo Clifton
City Clerk Myrna Rios has proposed changes, some of them controversial, to rules for the conduct at City Council meetings.Council is scheduled to take up the new rules at today's meeting.During Tuesday's work session, Rios defended her proposals, including a ban on allowing a member of the public to donate time to another member to speak longer.
1 year ago
UK news

Kate never expected to become royal but fell in love with William'

The Princess of Wales has admitted becoming a member of the royal family was something she never expected but then she met and fell in love with William.Kate made the admission when she joined a Dame Kelly Holmes Trust event in Bath and took on the double Olympic champion at a game of bean-bag noughts and crosses but came out second best.
1 year ago
UK news

Eva Green found High Court battle painful and damaging' experience

Eva Green's High Court battle with a production company was a painful and damaging experience, the Hollywood actress has said.The Casino Royale star, who won her claim to a million-dollar (810,000) fee for abandoned film A Patriot, said she had been used as a scapegoat and faced false allegations during her legal action against White Lantern Film.
1 year ago

Gen Z isn't quiet quitting'they're grappling with a lack of interpersonal connection

People have claimed that Gen Z workers are quiet quitting.That is, doing the bare minimum to maintain their position at work.This behavior isn't explained by some stark generational divide that's left young people devoid of ambition while their seasoned counterparts maintain a no-nonsense work ethic that's driven them forward for years.
1 year ago

Desperate to get fit but hate doing it in public? Here are seven ways to beat gymtimidation

Some things in life swimming, public speaking, taking a radiator off the wall are terrifying the first time you do them, but so fundamental to a better quality of existence that they're well worth the effort.And so it is with the gym: though those first shaky reps come easier for some people than others, everyone is a beginner at some point.
BK Reader
1 year ago

BK NAACP President and Politics Podcaster Nominated For Image Award

The NAACP will host its 54th Image Awards in Pasadena, California.Each year, the organization recognizes the contributions of people of color to the arts, politics, their communities, education, and more.The annual event is a convening of the brightest and most talented movers and shakers in various industries.
Brooklyn Paper
1 year ago

Coney Island youth groups celebrate Black History Month at annual exhibit * Brooklyn Paper

A group of Coney Island youth initiatives will be teaming up to host their annual Black History Month event at Surfside Gardens Cornerstone on Friday night.The Coney Island Sharks and Sharkettes, an organization for young adults in the neighborhood, put together a celebratory night of musical performances, presentations, poetry, dancing and more.
1 year ago

School camping trips: getting there is the lesson

It may not sound like a classroom assignment 4th, 5th, and 6th graders planning and running a camping trip from start to finish.But at Montessori Family School, an independent school, the field trips are a serious educational experience.Montessori schools focus on hands-on learning and real-life skills, and planning a camping trip offers just that.
Brooklyn Paper
1 year ago

Coney Island youth groups celebrate Black History Month at annual exhibit * Brooklyn Paper

A group of Coney Island youth initiatives will be teaming up to host their annual Black History Month event at Surfside Gardens Cornerstone on Friday night.The Coney Island Sharks and Sharkettes, an organization for young adults in the neighborhood, put together a celebratory night of musical performances, presentations, poetry, dancing and more.
1 year ago

School camping trips: getting there is the lesson

It may not sound like a classroom assignment 4th, 5th, and 6th graders planning and running a camping trip from start to finish.But at Montessori Family School, an independent school, the field trips are a serious educational experience.Montessori schools focus on hands-on learning and real-life skills, and planning a camping trip offers just that.
1 year ago

The benefits of debating by Jake Loh Sutton Grammar School

The benefits of debating by Jake Loh Sutton Grammar School (Image: Unsplash.com)Debating is an activity that can benefit students in a huge variety of ways, both inside and outside of the classroom.I am personally part of my school's debating team, and feel I have recieved huge benefits from my experience, both competing competitively, and participating in casual discussion.
1 year ago

The Secret To Talking To Someone Who Always Gets Defensive

Maybe you're talking with your spouse.Or friend.Or brother.Or colleague.Whoever it is, you know that no matter how carefully you say something, the words won't get through.They're just so damn defensive.You want to scream stuff like, "It's not a personal attack!" or "I'm just trying to have a conversation!"
Daily Mom
1 year ago

36 Tongue Twisters To Tease Everyone From Toddlers To Teens " Read Now!

Tongue twisters test your talent to talk terrifically through words that twist, turn and tease your tongue.Tongue twisters strengthen mouth muscles and English skills through silly, fun phrases that typically use alliteration - adjacent words with the same first letter.Tongue twisters are used in speech therapy as well as in learning to speak the English language because they improve pronunciation and enunciation.
The American Conservative
2 weeks ago
Right-wing politics

De Niro's Courthouse Turn Shows He Has Always Been a Hack

Robert De Niro's performance at a Biden-Harris campaign event near a courthouse was critiqued harshly despite his reputation as a talented actor. [ more ]
6 days ago
Tech industry

How to Present Like Steve Jobs at Apple Developers Conference | Entrepreneur

Public speaking is crucial for high-profile executives, like Steve Jobs, who used presentation skills to effectively communicate with audiences. [ more ]
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