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3 weeks ago

Francis Bacon: A Self-Portrait in Words by Michael Peppiatt review glimpses of a demon-driven genius

Francis Bacon expressed his self-scrutiny through provocative and introspective paintings. [ more ]
Design Milk
4 months ago

Rive Roshan Leaves Space in Between for Reflection, Rumination

The Space in Between exhibit by Rive Roshan at Design Miami 2023 promotes introspection and stimulates people to trust their intuition and internal motivations.
The exhibit features meticulously designed objects that stimulate the senses and engage viewers through the interplay of light, movement, reflection, and perception. [ more ]
Design You Trust - Design Daily Since 2007
1 month ago
Web design

Never Drink Alone: A Visual Melancholic Journey Into Loneliness

@asocialdrinking's ai-generated art showcases companionship in solitude, inviting viewers to find beauty and kinship in moments of aloneness. [ more ]
1 month ago
Video games

Harold Halibut Review - Lost In Its Own Deep Sea

Harold Halibut game balances simplicity with depth through character exploration. [ more ]
Luke Plant's home page
2 months ago

Enforcing conventions in Django projects with introspection

Introspection in Python involves tools like isinstance(), type(), hasattr(), and more advanced techniques like the inspect module and metaprogramming dunder methods.
Django allows for introspection using standard Python techniques along with formally documented functions and methods for inspecting Django apps and models. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
2 months ago

The Surprising Way a Breakup Can Help Heal Your Heart - Tiny Buddha

Unwanted breakup can unveil deep shadows within.
Looking within leads to awakening, while looking outside brings dreams. [ more ]
2 months ago

Devon Welsh: Come With Me If You Want to Live

The album's aggressive imagery contrasts with its introspective and personal nature.
Come With Me If You Want to Live retains Devon Welsh's signature personal touch amidst apocalyptic themes. [ more ]
2 months ago

Yard Act: Where's My Utopia?

Yard Act's album balances humor and serious themes well.
Smith delves into personal and societal issues through music. [ more ]
4 months ago

Waxahatchee on success and sobriety: You don't have to be tortured to make interesting art'

Katie Crutchfield, also known as Waxahatchee, reflects on the past decade and how she has changed.
Her fifth album, 'Saint Cloud,' resonated with listeners during lockdown and she is now gearing up to release a new album. [ more ]
4 months ago

"Same Town, Different Place" by Photographer Scott Brownell

Scott Brownell is a Michigan native and former U.S. Army photographer
His work focuses on people and places while portraying the nuances of the human experience [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 months ago

Kierkegaard's Three Ways to Live More Fully

Avoiding boredom can lead people to go to extreme lengths, even giving themselves painful shocks.
Instead of seeking a new life, Kierkegaard advocated going deeper into the one you have. [ more ]
The Paris Review
5 months ago

Happy Books - The Paris Review

The author reflects on their own happiness and questions what it means to narrate happiness.
The author explores the themes of happiness and the ways in which it can be disrupted or destroyed. [ more ]
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