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Washington Post
1 month ago
Data science

U.S. cities see more post-pandemic population improvement, census shows

Charlotte, N.C. gained over 15,000 people from July 2022 to July 2023, part of a modest post-pandemic city rebound. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Data science

Why having accessible data is important. Here's how we dived into statistics to understand AAPI communities in Southern California

The Asian and Pacific Islander communities in Southern California are massive and ethnically diverse, with significant growth in recent years. [ more ]
1 month ago
Los Angeles

How Los Angeles County became home to the biggest AAPI communities in the country

Asian Americans are the fastest growing population in the United States. [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

It's official: Brazil is now more mixed than white

Discovery of racial identity through personal and collective processes
Shift in Brazilian society with mestizos now surpassing whites as the largest racial group [ more ]
6 months ago
East Bay food

Berkeleyside wins 3 awards for outstanding journalism

Berkeleyside reporters Ally Markovich and Nico Savidge won three awards for excellence in journalism from the San Francisco Press Club.
Markovich placed second in feature and profile writing, while Savidge took third place in the news category. [ more ]
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