How to Render Markdown in a Django Application - Real Python

"However, the Django admin doesn't provide a way to format text-based content. Using Markdown with Django is a great solution."
"Markdown is a plain text formatting language that can automatically convert to HTML for publishing on the Web. Due to its accessible syntax and widespread use in static site generators, productivity apps, and content management tools, it's become a popular alternative to rich-text editors for both technical and non-technical content creators."
"But when used in combination with the Django admin, Markdown provides a simpler alternative to a full-blown CMS and a friendlier user experience than working with HTML templates for both developers and content authors. Many writers find it faster and more straightforward to work with Markdown than a WYSIWYG interface. Plus, there are additional benefits to separating the text and presentation layers of your web content, including increased security, less risk of syntax errors, and the ability to publish across multiple formats, such as email or PDF documents."
"In this tutorial, you'll learn how to render Markdown content with Django so that your website's content creators can take advantage of the simplicity and convenience that have made Markdown such a popular choice for formatting text-based content."
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