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Smashing Magazine
2 months ago

Converting Plain Text To Encoded HTML With Vanilla JavaScript - Smashing Magazine

Creating HTML from plain text can be done using tools, Markdown, or building a custom solution with HTML, CSS, and JS. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

How to put multiple lines in a Markdown table cell (multiline table)

To create a multiline cell in an HTML table in Markdown, use the HTML <br> tag.
Using <br> tag enables displaying multiple lines within a single cell in the table. [ more ]
Matt Layman
6 months ago
Web development

Python, Markdown, and Tailwind: Best Buds! Matt Layman

One way to style the tags of rendered HTML from Markdown using Tailwind CSS is to wrap the tags with a container and write custom CSS rules.
Another method is to use a Markdown Extension with a Treeprocessor to add classes to tags in the HTML output. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
2 months ago

Converting Plain Text To Encoded HTML With Vanilla JavaScript - Smashing Magazine

Creating HTML from plain text can be done using tools, Markdown, or building a custom solution with HTML, CSS, and JS. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

How to put multiple lines in a Markdown table cell (multiline table)

To create a multiline cell in an HTML table in Markdown, use the HTML <br> tag.
Using <br> tag enables displaying multiple lines within a single cell in the table. [ more ]
Matt Layman
6 months ago
Web development

Python, Markdown, and Tailwind: Best Buds! Matt Layman

One way to style the tags of rendered HTML from Markdown using Tailwind CSS is to wrap the tags with a container and write custom CSS rules.
Another method is to use a Markdown Extension with a Treeprocessor to add classes to tags in the HTML output. [ more ]
.:: Marcos Dione/StyXman's glob ::.
7 months ago

Migrating from ikiwiki to nikola

Migrating from ikiwiki to nikola: Python-based option for blog setup
Consideration for converting ikiwiki posts from Markdown to reStructuredText [ more ]
7 months ago
Web development

How to Render Markdown in a Django Application - Real Python

Django's admin interface doesn't provide a way to format text-based content, but Markdown can be used as a solution.
Markdown is a plain text formatting language that converts to HTML and is popular for both technical and non-technical content creators.
Using Markdown with Django admin provides a simpler alternative to a full-blown CMS and offers benefits like increased security and multi-format publishing. [ more ]
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