Pop-ups, popovers, and poppers: What are they and when do you use them? - LogRocket Blog

Whether you're creating design guidelines, working across teams, or simply documenting your learnings, a consistent and shared vocabulary fosters clear communication and collaboration that ensures everyone involved in the design process interprets interactions, elements, and concepts in the same way.
A pop-up (sometimes spelled 'popup') is a window that automatically and temporarily appears on a digital interface like a website or desktop, overlaying the contents of the page the user is browsing. While some pop-ups are prompted to appear by user actions, others appear without a trigger of any kind: Pop-ups have a range of functions that depend on the context within which they appear. Some are used to advertise products or services while others are used to display a warning or error message. In some cases, pop-ups are employed to provide the user with important information or to ask them to take a time-sensitive action.
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