De Niro's Courthouse Turn Shows He Has Always Been a Hack

De Niro tried to play the scene-stealer but ended up merely logging a forgettable cameo appearance. Despite having been directed by the likes of Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, and Elia Kazan, De Niro had to rely on the direction of a mere onlooker-presumably a member of the press corps-to be reminded to speak up and lean into the microphones in front of him.
His delivery was ragged, uninspired, and-in a cardinal sin for such a distinguished performer-way over-the-top. The extras-hecklers screaming rude, vulgar stuff at De Niro-were not exactly worthy of a David Lean spectacular.
This ill-judged fiasco has been panned on a bipartisan basis-everybody from Karl Rove to David Axelrod have filed the equivalent of bad reviews-but much of this criticism comes with a caveat: Most of De Niro's critics insist that he is a great, amazing, brilliant actor who just shouldn't have agreed to participate in a courthouse-adjacent Biden-Harris campaign event.
Read at The American Conservative