30 Funny Tweets About What Kids Call Things

Just thinking about how when my son was a toddler, he used to count like this: '8...9...10...I-love-it...12...13...' - redyellowgreendance
Let's start an adorable thread of the things our kids proudly say wrong. I'll go first: Instead of 'Bravo!' Iris declares, with her chest, 'GRAMBO!!!!' - HomeMaker Megs
The thing about a second child is you're more acutely aware that things don't last forever. So you clutch on to things knowing one day they'll disappear. Example, I fear the day that 5yo stops calling the plural for toast, 'Toastez' - WheatNOil
For whatever reason, our (2yo) kids love grabbing the thesaurus off the bookshelf and 'reading' it. Our girl, with complete confidence, randomly started calling it a hippopotamus and I don't have the heart to correct her. - Andrew Snyder
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