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4 weeks ago
Social justice

Latino or latinx: which term does the community prefer?

The terms Hispanic, Latino, and Latinx have evolved over time in the U.S., reflecting shifting preferences within the community. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago
LA food

They're called 'big pie.' Where to find giant Chinese scallion pancakes

Growing up in the San Gabriel Valley, the author's grandmother only spoke English to them, wanting them to know English and experience the rights and privileges of being American.
The author feels like an outsider when in a group of people speaking Chinese, but they can manage a greeting and ordering food.
At Ahgoo's Kitchen in Temple City, the signature dish is the green onion sesame pie, with layers filled with green onion and a sesame-coated crust. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Social justice

Latino or latinx: which term does the community prefer?

The terms Hispanic, Latino, and Latinx have evolved over time in the U.S., reflecting shifting preferences within the community. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago
LA food

They're called 'big pie.' Where to find giant Chinese scallion pancakes

Growing up in the San Gabriel Valley, the author's grandmother only spoke English to them, wanting them to know English and experience the rights and privileges of being American.
The author feels like an outsider when in a group of people speaking Chinese, but they can manage a greeting and ordering food.
At Ahgoo's Kitchen in Temple City, the signature dish is the green onion sesame pie, with layers filled with green onion and a sesame-coated crust. [ more ]
1 month ago
Video games

Xbox Game Pass Just Added 2023's Best Puzzle Game

Chants of Sennaar stands out in Xbox Game Pass with its captivating art style and puzzle design. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists say they are learning basics of sperm whale language

Scientists studying sperm whales off Dominica have identified a potential phonetic alphabet in their clicks for communication, shedding light on the complexity of whale language. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
1 month ago

How to Comfort the Grieving Without Saying "Sorry for Your Loss" - Tiny Buddha

Choosing appropriate words for different situations is crucial for effective communication and empathy. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
3 months ago
Boston food

Boston Back Bay Condo Broker: When A Smile Was Just A Smile. Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

Words can have unintended consequences, potentially being perceived differently than intended.
Social norms regarding language and compliments have evolved over time. [ more ]
3 months ago

Wrong Norma by Anne Carson review unjoined-up thinking at its best

Anne Carson's book 'Norma' is deliberately disjointed to convey a sense of language's unreliability and difficulty in expressing precise meanings.
Carson's resistance to discussing her work in interviews adds to her enigmatic persona and aligns with her exploration of the volatility of language. [ more ]
4 months ago

Why Older Leaders Need to Stop Using These Phrases in the Workplace | Entrepreneur

Communication in the workplace can be impacted by the use of language, especially when there is a generational gap between leaders and team members.
Antiquated phrases and references may confuse younger generations and make leaders appear less relatable. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
1 week ago

You Can Ask Your Grandma Things You'd Never Ask Your Mom

Grandparents can play a unique role due to their freedom and ability to engage with grandchildren in ways parents may not. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists say they are learning basics of sperm whale language

Scientists studying sperm whales off Dominica have identified a potential phonetic alphabet in their clicks for communication, shedding light on the complexity of whale language. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
1 month ago

How to Comfort the Grieving Without Saying "Sorry for Your Loss" - Tiny Buddha

Choosing appropriate words for different situations is crucial for effective communication and empathy. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
3 months ago
Boston food

Boston Back Bay Condo Broker: When A Smile Was Just A Smile. Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

Words can have unintended consequences, potentially being perceived differently than intended.
Social norms regarding language and compliments have evolved over time. [ more ]
3 months ago

Wrong Norma by Anne Carson review unjoined-up thinking at its best

Anne Carson's book 'Norma' is deliberately disjointed to convey a sense of language's unreliability and difficulty in expressing precise meanings.
Carson's resistance to discussing her work in interviews adds to her enigmatic persona and aligns with her exploration of the volatility of language. [ more ]
4 months ago

Why Older Leaders Need to Stop Using These Phrases in the Workplace | Entrepreneur

Communication in the workplace can be impacted by the use of language, especially when there is a generational gap between leaders and team members.
Antiquated phrases and references may confuse younger generations and make leaders appear less relatable. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
1 week ago

You Can Ask Your Grandma Things You'd Never Ask Your Mom

Grandparents can play a unique role due to their freedom and ability to engage with grandchildren in ways parents may not. [ more ]
1 month ago

Eliza Barry Callahan's Debut Novel Is an Invigorating Study of Deafness

A debut novel 'The Hearing Test' by Eliza Barry Callahan delves into themes of life, chance, sickness, and language with an original and vivid narrative. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

Poetry Is an Act of Hope

Poetry expands language in unique ways beyond traditional communication. [ more ]
The Paris Review
1 month ago

Between the World and the Universe, a Woman Is Thinking - The Paris Review

Poetry struggles with capturing profound essence beyond language. [ more ]
3 months ago

Poem of the week: The saddest noise, the sweetest noise by Emily Dickinson

Spring's beauty intertwined with sadness and nostalgia.
Dickinson's unique use of language and paradoxical analogies. [ more ]
3 months ago

3 Collections Take the Poetic Measure of America in the Aftermath of the Pandemic

Poets respond to challenging times with powerful language and themes.
Poems in 'Silver,' 'Modern Poetry,' and 'The Gone Thing' use humor and reclaim language to address societal issues. [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago

The Pianist Upstairs

The poet Erica Funkhouser has a deep love for language and the natural world, but also recognizes the limitations of writing in capturing real brutality.
Despite her disillusionment, the power of art and music to engage with injustice should not be underestimated. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

Poetry Is an Act of Hope

Poetry expands language in unique ways beyond traditional communication. [ more ]
The Paris Review
1 month ago

Between the World and the Universe, a Woman Is Thinking - The Paris Review

Poetry struggles with capturing profound essence beyond language. [ more ]
3 months ago

Poem of the week: The saddest noise, the sweetest noise by Emily Dickinson

Spring's beauty intertwined with sadness and nostalgia.
Dickinson's unique use of language and paradoxical analogies. [ more ]
3 months ago

3 Collections Take the Poetic Measure of America in the Aftermath of the Pandemic

Poets respond to challenging times with powerful language and themes.
Poems in 'Silver,' 'Modern Poetry,' and 'The Gone Thing' use humor and reclaim language to address societal issues. [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago

The Pianist Upstairs

The poet Erica Funkhouser has a deep love for language and the natural world, but also recognizes the limitations of writing in capturing real brutality.
Despite her disillusionment, the power of art and music to engage with injustice should not be underestimated. [ more ]
2 months ago

Laurent Cantet obituary

Laurent Cantet, a key figure in the 1990s French cinema, led the social-realist movement with his award-winning film The Class, blending drama and documentary in a unique way. [ more ]
2 months ago

Ocean Vuong, Celebrated Poet and Novelist, Is Coming to Berkeley | KQED

Vuong's works focus on mothering and queerness while delving into the Asian refugee experience in America.
Vuong explores the complexities of queerness and masculinity, highlighting the tragedy of conforming to patriarchal structures. [ more ]
Document Journal
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

'Seeing Meaning' in the wake of AI

The symposium explored technology's impact on image and language.
Fred Ritchin discussed the impact of AI on photojournalism and human rights documentation. [ more ]
BBC News
3 months ago
UK politics

Politicians flounder as they wrestle with race rows

Words can provoke anger and debates, especially when involving powerful figures.
Actions speak louder than words, with institutions facing turmoil over appropriate responses. [ more ]
4 months ago

Asexuality Research Has Reached New Heights. What Are We Learning?

Asexual and aromantic communities introduce new language for self-identification.
Scientists are catching up with people's existences, shifting the way asexuality is perceived. [ more ]
4 months ago

30 Funny Tweets About What Kids Call Things

Children come up with creative and funny ways to describe things.
Parents document their kids' malapropisms and original phrases on Twitter. [ more ]
4 months ago
Graphic design

Designer Sun Young Oh focuses on words, through fonts or cat flow charts

Sun Young Oh is a South Korean graphic designer who creates unique typefaces and designs that deconstruct phrases into assorted parts.
She finds inspiration in the abstract and ambiguous nature of language, which she discovered through her experiences in Germany and her background in fine arts. [ more ]
4 months ago

Sunak was not making trans joke, transgender teacher claims

Rishi Sunak is accused of making a joke about transgender people
Debbie Hayton defends Sunak, stating that his comments were focused on Keir Starmer and his use of different language for different audiences. [ more ]
4 months ago

You're In Luck! The Author Of 'Such A Fun Age' Is Back With Another Hit

Kiley Reid's second novel, Come and Get It, was inspired by a phrase her students used: 'Oh, my gosh, I hate telling about this.'
Reid interviewed 20-something women to capture the pithy, privileged sound bites that she used as source material for her characters' dialogue. [ more ]
4 months ago
National Basketball Association

John Jack G. Russell

Takeaway 1: The article discusses the use of different symbols and codes in an unknown language.
Takeaway 2: The article mentions deciphering and understanding this unknown language. [ more ]
5 months ago

Le Weekend 1/19/24: How France Captures the Souls of Writers - Frenchly

The hold France can have on the imagination and soul
The ways in which a place can inform the life one leads or the writing they produce [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Teacher's list of 32 'ridiculous' banned words in the classroom sparks debate: 'She's on a power trip'

A teacher sparked a debate by creating a list of 32 slang words that were forbidden in their classroom.
The teacher believed that using slang in an academic setting could diminish students' capability to become successful writers. [ more ]
6 months ago

Quebec reduces tuition hike for out-of-province students, but they'll have to learn French | CBC News

Quebec's English-language universities will require out-of-province students to learn French, with 80% proficiency required by the end of their undergraduate studies.
New students from outside the province will pay a minimum of $12,000 in tuition starting in the 2024-25 academic year. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Teacher's list of 32 'ridiculous' banned words in the classroom sparks debate: 'She's on a power trip'

A teacher sparked a debate by creating a list of 32 slang words that were forbidden in their classroom.
The teacher believed that using slang in an academic setting could diminish students' capability to become successful writers. [ more ]
6 months ago

Quebec reduces tuition hike for out-of-province students, but they'll have to learn French | CBC News

Quebec's English-language universities will require out-of-province students to learn French, with 80% proficiency required by the end of their undergraduate studies.
New students from outside the province will pay a minimum of $12,000 in tuition starting in the 2024-25 academic year. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Letters: Those who have arrived in Chicago from south of the border are families - and they're just like ours

Language can shape our perceptions and treatment of others
Humanizing marginalized groups can help foster understanding and empathy [ more ]
6 months ago

5 Ways You're Contributing To HIV Stigma Without Realizing It

Stigma and discrimination are significant barriers to seeking HIV care and can negatively impact the mental health of people living with HIV.
Using language that stigmatizes HIV, such as referring to someone as 'HIV positive', contributes to HIV stigma. [ more ]
6 months ago

Booker Prize winner Paul Lynch's unique Auraist interview on the language of fascist horror

Prophet Song is a book that explores a near-future dystopian Ireland that deteriorates into civil war due to right-wing populism.
The novel is praised for its immersive and unsettling language that creates a sense of dread and unease.
The main protagonist, Eilish, struggles with disbelief and paralysis in the face of a rapidly changing and dangerous political landscape. [ more ]
6 months ago

Does the way we talk about the climate crisis numb people with fear, rather than energising them? | Roger Harrabin

Swiss solar aviator Bertrand Piccard argues for rethinking the language used to discuss climate change.
He proposes reframing climate terms to inspire action instead of fear.
Language is central to addressing the climate crisis, and Piccard suggests rebranding terms like 'green economy' and 'clean energy'. [ more ]
The New Yorker
7 months ago

Piecing Together My Father's Murder

The narrator tries to piece together the story of their father's murder in Ankara, Turkey.
The narrator and their sister were both present when their father was killed, but the narrator was too young to remember.
The Turkish language has a tense called the 'heard past' for events that one has been told about but hasn't witnessed. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Chants of 'intifada' ring out from pro-Palestinian protests. But what's it mean?

Language, like 'intifada', becomes a contentious point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
2 weeks ago

What is Bitcoin? You don't know and you can't explain it!

Bitcoin can't be fully described by one specific label; individuals need to acknowledge all its properties as a whole. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

The Holy Grail Of Neanderthal Language Is Turning Out To Be An 800-Pound Gorilla

Understanding the uniqueness of Homo sapiens through divergence from Neanderthals [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
2 weeks ago

What is Bitcoin? You don't know and you can't explain it!

Bitcoin can't be fully described by one specific label; individuals need to acknowledge all its properties as a whole. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

The Holy Grail Of Neanderthal Language Is Turning Out To Be An 800-Pound Gorilla

Understanding the uniqueness of Homo sapiens through divergence from Neanderthals [ more ]
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