How KitKat said more with fewer words in digital

Our brief was to create an impactful OOH using KitKat's established brand equity of 'breaks'. While it wasn't specifically for digital, we wanted to play with the medium and make it appear that whoever was creating the poster had taken a break part way through writing out the iconic strapline 'Have a break, have a KitKat.' The challenge was how could we do this idea as purely as possible - giving viewers just enough information to recognise both the brand and the creative idea of having a break.
Strategy: This is 'Have a break, have a KitKat' at its purest. One of the unique things about a KitKat is that to break off one of the fingers, you need to use both hands. You can't multi-task and continue to type. In an age where opportunities to take a decent break seem few and far between, this highlights that it's still possible to pause mid-way through something. Breaks are good.
Read at The Drum