Loathing This Supreme Court Is A Bad Reason To Go To Law School For Individuals But Great For The Profession

From several sitting justices accepting what amount to undisclosed bribes to their sloppy and blatantly partisan decision to overturn Roe v. Wade to this Supreme Court's ahistorical take on any type of cogent gun regulation, we are indeed living the dystopian results of the Federalist Society's half-century-long campaign to seize control of American jurisprudence.
As the wave of scandals and horrible decisions crested, respect for the Supreme Court plummeted to all-time lows. From 2020 to 2023, the Supreme Court's favorability rating dropped by 26 percentage points and, for the first time since surveying on the topic began, the majority of Americans have an unfavorable view of the Supreme Court.
Read at Above the Law