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Slate Magazine
4 weeks ago

The Senate Has Called Leonard Leo In for Questioning. Leo Has Said: No Thanks!

Leonard Leo is defying a Senate subpoena regarding arranging gifts for Supreme Court justices and their families, showcasing a lack of accountability and regard for legal ethics. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 month ago

Loathing This Supreme Court Is A Bad Reason To Go To Law School For Individuals But Great For The Profession

Dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court is motivating law students to attend law school. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 month ago

First Trump Supreme Court Nomination Wish List Is Out And It's Properly Horrifying

Conservative legal minds are pitching Trump on Supreme Court picks, favoring showmanship over traditional qualifications. [ more ]
Above the Law
2 months ago

Neil Gorsuch Confidently Declares That He Did The Research (He Did Not Do The Research)

Conservative justices skeptical of district judges' power for sweeping remedies.
The Federalist Society mission and forum shopping for judges are bigger concerns than nationwide injunctions. [ more ]
7 months ago

Prominent conservative lawyers band together to fight Trump threat

Three prominent legal thinkers have formed the Society for the Rule of Law Institute to champion conservative legal theory and resist a second Trump term.
They criticized rightwing groups like the Federalist Society for not opposing Trump's authoritarian ambitions.
The Society for the Rule of Law Institute will focus on inspiring young legal talent, countering anti-constitutional law, and speaking out against authoritarian legal theories. [ more ]
Above the Law
7 months ago

Breaking The Chokehold FedSoc Has On Right-Wing Legal Thought

The Federalist Society has been the dominant conservative legal organization since the 1980s.
Some conservative legal scholars are launching a new organization, the Society for the Rule of Law, to offer an alternative to the Federalist Society.
The new organization aims to cultivate a new generation of legal talent in defense of founding principles and to counteract the influence of bad-faith actors. [ more ]
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