Rukmini Iyer's quick and easy roll-up masala omelette with coriander and peanut chutney | Quick and easy

Chapatis in Uganda are really fluffy, and more akin to parathas; the closest shop-bought version would be a cook-from-frozen shana paratha (check out the frozen aisle of the largest supermarket or Asian grocery shop near you) they're the fluffiest, lowest-effort parathas you'll ever have had).
Put two tablespoons of the oil in a large frying pan on a medium heat, then add the garlic and onion, and stir-fry for five minutes. Lower the heat, add the spices and a teaspoon of salt and fry for another minute. Add the pepper and mushrooms and cook, stirring frequently, for a further eight minutes, until softened and cooked through. While the vegetables are cooking, blitz all the ingredients for the chutney in a high-speed blender until you have a smooth, green sauce that's roughly the texture of single cream. Taste and adjust the salt as needed, and set asid.
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