The Artists Crying 'Censorship'

For the past few years, the right has worn itself out decrying 'cancel culture'-claiming that left-wing mobs have destroyed the career of artists, writers, and freethinkers-and equating it with censorship. Liberals have typically been the first to point out that this is absurd. If someone says or does something that offends your sensibilities, you are of course free to avoid supporting that person's professional or creative endeavors with your time and money. That is not censorship-it's merely a consequence.
But in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict, something has shifted. Compared with the tremendous suffering in the region, the opinions of American makers and consumers of art are a trivial concern. And yet the war has torn apart long-standing alliances in the arts and revealed ways of thinking that are, I believe, fundamentally dangerous to our democracy.
Read at The Atlantic