I Used to Drink up to Eight Shots of Espresso in a Sitting. My New Routine Is Better.

Everything in my life suddenly grayed, and it felt like I had nothing to look forward to - no morning coffee shops, no bursts of creative energy in a cup. Maybe this was a sign I really had a problem with coffee. But I wasn't ready to quit. I went back to my lattes.
Here's what eventually worked, years later: an extended off-ramp from fancy, rocket-fuel drinks. I got the medical advice that I actually could have black coffee on blood-draw days, so I aimed to be satisfied with just that.
First, I stopped putting any sweetener in my lattes. Then I started ordering drip coffee so I could monitor the amount of creamer. Eventually, I got down to not needing any sweetener, and very little creamer.
The first few days were awful. The first week was awful. But by week three, life became less awful.
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