Google's new AI tool is telling users to put glue on their pizza

Google's AI Overviews tool is generating incorrect responses, such as suggesting the use of gasoline in food, eating rocks, and adding glue to pizza, raising serious concerns about the accuracy of AI-generated content.
The tool sourced answers from sources like a Reddit comment and a satirical article from The Onion, resulting in absurd suggestions like eating rocks for minerals and claiming a dog played in the NBA.
Further bizarre responses include claims of astronauts meeting cats on the moon, Former US President James Madison's 21 fictional graduations, and doctors recommending smoking during pregnancy, leading to significant backlash.
Toby Walsh, a professor of AI at UNSW Sydney, criticized Google for the inaccurate information provided by AI Overviews, labeling it a 'PR disaster' and highlighting the potential dangers of relying on generative AI for content summaries.
Read at Mail Online