The Link Between Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

Elevated blood sugar in diabetes can lead to inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction, impacting nerves controlling the heart and causing autonomic neuropathy, raising the risk of cardiovascular issues like heart attack and stroke.
Endothelial dysfunction due to diabetes can impair vasodilation, promote plaque buildup, and lead to atherosclerosis, significantly increasing the risk of heart disease, accounting for nearly 80% of diabetes-related deaths.
Diabetes also stiffens the heart muscle, causing fluid retention and potentially heart failure, while high blood pressure, often seen in diabetics, further increases cardiovascular risks, especially affecting women due to hormonal changes.
Nerve damage from diabetes can mask chest pain or discomfort, complicating heart disease detection. Being proactive in addressing cardiovascular issues early is crucial to prevent serious complications.
Read at Alternative Medicine Magazine