In Rural Japan, Learning Zen Mindfulness at an 800-Year-Old TempleZen mindfulness retreats facilitate enlightenment in daily life by promoting self-compassion, mindfulness, and presence.
Zen Master Seung Sahn, "What do you think about the beginning of this world?"Your perception creates the reality of time and space, making you the architect of your own world.
In Rural Japan, Learning Zen Mindfulness at an 800-Year-Old TempleZen mindfulness retreats facilitate enlightenment in daily life by promoting self-compassion, mindfulness, and presence.
Zen Master Seung Sahn, "What do you think about the beginning of this world?"Your perception creates the reality of time and space, making you the architect of your own world.
The Wisdom of Alan Watts in 4 Mind-Expanding AnimationsAlan Watts significantly popularized Zen Buddhism in the West while maintaining an anti-dogmatic stance.
Who is the 'Laughing Buddha'? A scholar of East Asian Buddhism explainsThe Laughing Buddha reflects cultural adaptations of Buddhism, differing from the historical Buddha in representation and symbolism.
Bernie Glassman: Zen Master, fund-raiser, and much moreZen Masters can actively engage in social issues, rejecting the solitary stereotype.
ZMSS: He was outside chanting and hitting the moktak when suddenly his body disappearedZen Master Seung Sahn's moment of enlightenment highlights the unity of self and nature, suggesting that all existence is interconnected.