Will Cullen Hart, Elephant 6 Co-Founder, Dies at 53Will Cullen Hart, a founding member of Elephant 6, passed away suddenly but peacefully at 53, leaving a significant musical legacy.
Ambitious and acid-powered, Olivia Tremor Control's Will Cullen Hart was a genius of lo-fiDespite critical success, Will Cullen Hart prioritized artistic integrity over commercial appeal, desiring to create music without compromising his vision.
Will Cullen Hart, Elephant 6 Co-Founder, Dies at 53Will Cullen Hart, a founding member of Elephant 6, passed away suddenly but peacefully at 53, leaving a significant musical legacy.
Ambitious and acid-powered, Olivia Tremor Control's Will Cullen Hart was a genius of lo-fiDespite critical success, Will Cullen Hart prioritized artistic integrity over commercial appeal, desiring to create music without compromising his vision.