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4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Lessons from Martin Luther King Jr.'s Fight to Mobilize the Black Church

White evangelical churches are in crisis due to the infiltration of politics and the imposition of values on worshipers.
Evangelicals who oppose white Christian nationalism are leaving churches, causing a decline in religious affiliation. [ more ]
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Lessons from Martin Luther King Jr.'s Fight to Mobilize the Black Church

White evangelical churches are in crisis due to the infiltration of politics and the imposition of values on worshipers.
Evangelicals who oppose white Christian nationalism are leaving churches, causing a decline in religious affiliation. [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

Lessons from Martin Luther King Jr.'s Fight to Mobilize the Black Church

White evangelical churches are in crisis due to the infiltration of politics and the imposition of values on worshipers.
Evangelicals who oppose white Christian nationalism are leaving churches, causing a decline in religious affiliation. [ more ]
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