Put Away Those Crab Crackers: The Start of the Bay Area Dungeness Season Is DelayedCalifornia's Dungeness crab season is delayed again for whale protection, with an assessment to determine future openings.
Stanford study suggests consumer demand of krill puts pressure on recovering whale populationConsumption of health products like omega-3 supplements may threaten whale populations by increasing competition for essential krill.
Whale Capsizes Fishing Boat Off New Hampshire CoastA humpback whale breached, landed on a boat near Portsmouth, and capsized it, highlighting the whale's feeding behavior.
Rare whale sighted off Point Reyes coastSpotting critically endangered right whale off Marin County coast thrills scientists.
Rare sea creature approaches scientists' boat off CA coast and lingers for 20 minutesThe North Pacific right whale, an endangered species with only about 50 left in U.S. waters, was spotted resting off the coast of California.
Rare whale sighted off Point Reyes coastSpotting critically endangered right whale off Marin County coast thrills scientists.
Rare sea creature approaches scientists' boat off CA coast and lingers for 20 minutesThe North Pacific right whale, an endangered species with only about 50 left in U.S. waters, was spotted resting off the coast of California.
The jawbone of washed-up whale in New Zealand was removed with chainsaw and stolenStealing whale bones, like the jawbone of a sperm whale, from New Zealand beaches is not only illegal but also disrespectful to Maori traditions.
New England Aquarium researchers spotted an entangled right whale calf, sparked rescue effortDisentanglement efforts for a young North Atlantic right whale spotted with rope entanglement in Canadian waters are underway.